Sunday, January 30, 2011

Howdy-Do, Buckaroos!


I wanted to check in with a little update on school and everything.

December, I completed my 2nd semester back at school. Everything went well, and I got an A in government and a C in History. C sounds bad BUT since I had attempted History before (a couple of times) I aimed for a C and got it. I worked really hard for it, too!

Since I coasted relatively smoothly through two semesters of taking two classes, I decided that in the spring semester, I'd give four classes a try. So, here I am, beginning week three, and it's a lot of hard work, a whole lot of reading and time management, but it's going well so far. I'm taking government 2 and history 2, both in person at the SAC satellite campus here in town, and I am taking world geography and intro to education online. I am really enjoying the online courses (esp. edu) because of the interactions with classmates and the professor.

Next week, I have to go to SA to pick up my internship paperwork so I can spend some time in a classroom other than mine learning lesson planning and teaching from another perspective. (Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to use my classroom for it because PPCD wasn't an option).

Running has become a new passion to me. Since doing the Couch to 5K program last year, it has become a part of my life. It seems like my body craves it and I get antsy when I don't make it out. On the off days when I can't make it to the gym, I've been doing yoga. I got a great DVD called Yoga for Athletes which has 16 different sports to choose from (including running) - each sport has 12 different yoga sessions from 20-75 minutes targeting different areas that are important for the sport you choose. It's been helping me a LOT. I generally run appx 3.5 miles, three times a week. My running space is limited where I live and it gets boring sometimes, but the time to myself is priceless. My running playlist is awesome so getting out to run is a real treat.
The kids are doing awesome. Olivia has blossomed into an amazing young lady now that she is in middle school. I am amazed at her every day. She is taking better care of herself, yet not falling into fads and trends that are prevalent in middle school. She is excelling in all areas and has been reunited with friends she made in the early years of elementary school.
Sophia has blossomed as well. I think after Olivia left the elementary school, Sophia has (in a way) come out of her shell and taken on some really cool activities such as choir club and student council along with library shelf elf. Her grades are awesome and she has been blessed with one of the most awesome teachers I have ever known. This has been a very exciting year for Sophia.
Danny is having a great time in 1st grade. He just had a birthday and we celebrated with (you guessed it) SUSHI! Lol! Teachers and staff at school are always praising him on his good attitude, desire to learn, and always making good choices. Those are words that warm a momma's heart!
Danny Sr and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary in December - 12 happy years and counting! I love to tell the girls all the romantic things their dad did for me in our early years. It's not that I want them to eventually choose someone just like their dad when they become interested in boys (trust me, I am not advocating it, I just want them to have expectations when the time comes) but I do want them to choose someone who truly cares about them as a person and chooses to do things to make them feel special and happy.
I hope all is going great for you, my blogland friends!
Until next time....Adios!