Just a little update on what's been going on in my corner:
-been doing LOTS of reading. I am making the first real and true progress on reading through the bible. I am reading a year-long chronological bible, and I am about a month and a half ahead. This is farthest than I have ever gotten. I read Coffehouse Gospel, Blue Like Jazz, Till We Have Faces, The Power of Personal Prayer (currently reading), and have The Four Loves on stand-by. (FYI I haven't finished many books over the last few years, so this has been great!) (And I am finding out that I love CS Lewis)
-My family and I got a membership at a local health club, so I have been exercising more regularly, and spending family time at the pool.
-I have finished a couple of instant gratification knitting projects such as wash-rags and book marks.
-Spring Break was last week, so we did lots of stuff with the kids.
-My mind has been very pre-occupied with several things, so advanced knitting has been put aside for a bit. I need to be able to concentrate. That's why so much reading - it gets my mind focused a little better.
-I watched a video online called The Story of Stuff that has really affected me. Interestingly, I had already begun a mission to cut consumerism within our home, and a few days later my sweet friend sent me the link and it really confirmed a lot of the current decisions I have been making. So in addition to really trying to cut consumerism, I read about a girl who came up with a challenge to rid her home of a thousand things. This led to presenting that challenge to some of my friends and family, and we have been encouraging each other along. This whole business of "think global, act local" has taken on a new meaning to me. I really feel burdened to be a good steward of the blessings that God has bestowed upon us.
-another thing that has taken my time is reading other people's blogs. I have learned so much by reading blogs and participating in discussion threads...a few worth mentioning: Swinging from the Vine, Beauty and Depravity - there are more, I'll perhaps keep listing in the future.
-I will admit that I spend way too much time on the computer, reading these blogs and discussing stuff, but I feel very hungry right now...
-It just seems like the days and weeks have been speeding by. I just don't know where the time goes!
Keep checking in...I promise to be better at blogging. I have a bunch of pics on my camera that I need to upload, so you'll see some soon.
ps - if you read this and are thinking....hmmmm....this challenge to get rid of a thousand things sounds great, you might be interested in the discussion group we set up for encouragement.
I never did get the name of the gal who thought up this idea, to give her kudos for a great idea, because it isn't mine. I just love the idea, and thank her for the inspiration.
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