I have been thinking about this whole child-rearing thing. As many of you might know, there are times when we look at our kids and wonder where the heck did that come from??!!?!? I tell them blue, they say green. I say dark, they say light. I say up, they say down. Yes, no. Come, go. Left, right. Dirty, clean. And on and on... You get the picture.
But then there are times when my heart just beams with love and pride for these children. An instance from this weekend...we were at a birthday party and there was a rather incorrigible little girl that (from the actions of the other children) was probably invited because kids are required to invite their whole class if they invite one. The girl didn't fit in, she was teased, sat to eat alone. My girls (who aren't in the class of the birthday girl, we are neighborhood friends) were creating chalk art on the driveway, and noticed the girl and her troubles. They approached her and invited her to join in their project. They treated her with respect and dignity. Oh my heart swells when I witness them being compassionate. I pray that they continue to cherish the value of love, compassion, respect, generosity. I thank God for these precious blessings.
Another funny thing from this weekend. I took Sophia on a Mommy Daughter date (Olivia and I have had a lot of one on one time lately, and Sophia has been a little left out). We went to a local Chinese buffet that serves crab legs on the weekend (WOO HOO). We ate crab legs only, hehe, till we were stuffed. Dipped in butter, of course! Then we went walking around, window shopping. Sophia fell in love with this little Gund stuffed dog, so I got it for her, and she named it Butter as a memory of our date together and the crabs dipped in butter! HA! What fun reasoning.
An explanation on the time I have been having with Olivia...she has been getting up with me at 6 AM every morning (a half hour before Sophia gets up) so we can sit together and read and snuggle. We don't talk, we just bask in each other's presence. It has done wonders for our relationship! We have gotten so much closer since we started that. It's difficult with three kids to carve out together time individually, and that has been an answer for us. Olivia's behavior has improved by leaps and my own reaction to her has improved. This is especially important as she nears those pre-pubescent years, hormones and mood swings. I feel like we are entering that stage on the right foot.
And Danny, well, he has me to himself all day long! But his time at home is getting short, and I just want to cherish every minute with him.....which is a total challenge right now!!!! When away from home, with other people, he is a total charmer.....sweet, polite, obedient, but at home! such a turkey! He is testing his boundaries and limits these days, which make for lots of time-outs and tears, but hopefully he will come out of this phase soon. He's still a lot of fun to be around, but it gets really intense!
It's Mt Washmore Monday....off to climb...Take it easy!
1 comment:
you really do have sweet kids, melanie. you and D should be proud!
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