I came across this today.....the beautiful poem by Pete Greig who established the
24/7 Prayer Movement.
The Vision
So this guy comes up to me and says "what's the vision? What's the big idea?" I open my mouth and words come out like this…
The vision?
The vision is JESUS – obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people.
You see bones? I see an army. And they are FREE from materialism.
They laugh at 9-5 little prisons.
They could eat caviar on Monday and crusts on Tuesday.
They wouldn't even notice.
They know the meaning of the Matrix, the way the west was won.
They are mobile like the wind, they belong to the nations. They need no passport.. People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence.
They are free yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying.
What is the vision ?
The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes. It makes children laugh and adults angry. It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars. It scorns the good and strains for the best. It is dangerously pure.
Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation.
It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games.
This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause.
A million times a day its soldiers
choose to loose
that they might one day win
the great 'Well done' of faithful sons and daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night. They don't need fame from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"
And this is the sound of the underground
The whisper of history in the making
Foundations shaking
Revolutionaries dreaming once again
Mystery is scheming in whispers
Conspiracy is breathing…
This is the sound of the underground
And the army is discipl(in)ed.
Young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms.
The tattoo on their back boasts "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain".
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their upward eyes. Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them ?
Can hormones hold them back?
Can failure succeed? Can fear scare them or death kill them ?
And the generation prays
like a dying man
with groans beyond talking,
with warrior cries, sulphuric tears and
with great barrow loads of laughter!
Waiting. Watching: 24 – 7 – 365.
Whatever it takes they will give: Breaking the rules. Shaking mediocrity from its cosy little hide. Laying down their rights and their precious little wrongs, laughing at labels, fasting essentials. The advertisers cannot mould them. Hollywood cannot hold them. Peer-pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries.
They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive
On the outside? They hardly care. They wear clothes like costumes to communicate and celebrate but never to hide.
Would they surrender their image or their popularity?
They would lay down their very lives - swap seats with the man on death row - guilty as hell. A throne for an electric chair.
With blood and sweat and many tears, with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them.
Their DNA chooses JESUS. (He breathes out, they breathe in.)
Their subconscious sings. They had a blood transfusion with Jesus.
Their words make demons scream in shopping centres.
Don't you hear them coming?
Herald the weirdo's! Summon the losers and the freaks. Here come the frightened and forgotten with fire in their eyes. They walk tall and trees applaud, skyscrapers bow, mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension. Their prayers summon the hounds of heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.
And this vision will be. It will come to pass; it will come easily; it will come soon.
How do I know? Because this is the longing of creation itself, the groaning of the Spirit, the very dream of God. My tomorrow is his today. My distant hope is his 3D. And my feeble, whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous, resounding, bone-shaking great 'Amen!' from countless angels, from hero's of the faith, from Christ himself. And he is the original dreamer, the ultimate winner.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Blog Awards!!!!!

I have been given a blog award by Misty . This is pretty cool because I haven't received a blog award before! But receiving the award comes with giving the award...paying it forward! I am very happy to do this, because there are some blogs that are very special to me.
The rules for this award: Put the logo on your blog. Put a link to who awarded it to you on your blog also. You need to nominate other bloggers for the award and put links to them also on your blog. Finally, leave a comment for those you've nominated - so they know they've received a special award.
The following blogs are the ones that I want to bestow the award upon!!!!
1. Misty - (this will sound a lot like your note to me! : )) My new friend! I knew from the first time I read you and corresponded with you that you would hold a special place in my heart and mind. I love your precious attitude and your desire to be the wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend that God would have you be. You are an inspiration!
2. Kristen - You are incredibly bright and loving. The blogs you write are very informative and inspirational. I can tell you that I will be honored if my daughters turn out like you. (and if my son marries someone like you!).
3. Kristen H - my new local friend, who read my blog, emailed me, and we became fast friends! I love your outspokenness and sincerity. I love knitting with you (the rare chances we have). I hope we get to know eachother better and spend more time together!
4. Tory - my long lost friend! One of the two classmates that I actually keep in touch with! I love reading your blog - you are witty and fun, loving and creative. I am glad to have reconnected with you!
These are four of the blogs I frequent - I visit more, but feel a special connection to you gals - you touch my life!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Something special coming...
Stay tunes... something special to blog tomorrow, somthing to do with awards and special bloggers!!! : )
Menu Plan Monday
Here's the menu for this week!
Monday - take out (DH is now in basketball men's league, right at dinner time!)
Tuesday - Cincinatti Skyline Chili, 3 ways
Wednesday - Stuffed 8-Ball zucchini - stuffed with quinoa and marinated grilled steak (don't exactly know how I'll do that, but I feel ambitious!)
Thursday - 7 Steak in the crock pot (for tacos), served with rice and beans and homemade tortillas if I have time)
Friday - homemade calzones - stuffed with various veggies and possibly sausage or leftover meat from the week.
Saturday - kids are in VBS day camp, DH and I will have a day-long date (woo hoo!) then zooming up to Georgetown for DH's aunt's b'day party, which probably means more BBQ! : P
Monday - take out (DH is now in basketball men's league, right at dinner time!)
Tuesday - Cincinatti Skyline Chili, 3 ways
Wednesday - Stuffed 8-Ball zucchini - stuffed with quinoa and marinated grilled steak (don't exactly know how I'll do that, but I feel ambitious!)
Thursday - 7 Steak in the crock pot (for tacos), served with rice and beans and homemade tortillas if I have time)
Friday - homemade calzones - stuffed with various veggies and possibly sausage or leftover meat from the week.
Saturday - kids are in VBS day camp, DH and I will have a day-long date (woo hoo!) then zooming up to Georgetown for DH's aunt's b'day party, which probably means more BBQ! : P
My First Emergent Church Experience
Since January, I have been doing so much reading and research and participating in conversations about the Emergent Church, as well as Emerging and Missional (known about that for a bit longer, though). I have read many awesome blogs by Emergent leaders and authors, as well as books written by some of the people at the forefront of Emergent.
Sunday I had the very distinct pleasure of attending a real life Emergent Church in a neighboring city. As the service progressed, I became more and more overwhelmed as I could literally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among the us in the room! There were four prayer stations set up, and as we made our way from one station to the next, I was struck most by one which emphasized how God speaks to us in many different ways...with pictures of people, animals, nature scenes, etc. This was particularly special to me, because this is how I see, hear, and feel God - through nature and His creaton. All four stations were powerful but this one was the one which touched me the most. I think that was the purpose - to be able to reach everyone where they were! And I am positive that each one meant something different to everyone.
That wasn't the only thing about the service at "the tent" that was unique and beautiful. There happened to be no singing that day (it changes each week). While worshipping through music has always been a big thing for me, the worship experience was so strong that I didn't even miss it till my friend pointed it out.
The youth members sat up front and participated by reading scriptures and quotes to the congregation. They have been reading the book, Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell for their Sunday evening group meetings. I am 34 years old and have only begun this journey in the last 6 months! What a wonderful promise for our future that our youth are experiencing such intense worship and participation in their faith community. Wow.
The members (and visitors) were of all ages and walks of life. The tattoed young mother sitting by an older couple dressed in their Sunday best. Not one person batted an eye at the vast diversity in the place.
Walking into the building, art adorns every wall and corner. All forms of it....I felt truly free as I was in "the tent." (by the way, they call it the tent because they do not own the building, they are not held down by building debt, payrolls, etc.) The "living room" (their name for the place where the service was held) was stuffed to the brim with chairs, sofas, and other comfortable seating. It was standing room only!
During the visiting time, you could see the pure love and concern that everyone had for God and for one another. The pastor made time to speak to every person who wanted to speak to him. He welcomed comments and questions and other participation from the congregation, even during his sermon, which was straight from the bible.
All in all, I left there overwhelmed and very, very hopeful. I thank God for this opportunity.
Sunday I had the very distinct pleasure of attending a real life Emergent Church in a neighboring city. As the service progressed, I became more and more overwhelmed as I could literally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among the us in the room! There were four prayer stations set up, and as we made our way from one station to the next, I was struck most by one which emphasized how God speaks to us in many different ways...with pictures of people, animals, nature scenes, etc. This was particularly special to me, because this is how I see, hear, and feel God - through nature and His creaton. All four stations were powerful but this one was the one which touched me the most. I think that was the purpose - to be able to reach everyone where they were! And I am positive that each one meant something different to everyone.
That wasn't the only thing about the service at "the tent" that was unique and beautiful. There happened to be no singing that day (it changes each week). While worshipping through music has always been a big thing for me, the worship experience was so strong that I didn't even miss it till my friend pointed it out.
The youth members sat up front and participated by reading scriptures and quotes to the congregation. They have been reading the book, Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell for their Sunday evening group meetings. I am 34 years old and have only begun this journey in the last 6 months! What a wonderful promise for our future that our youth are experiencing such intense worship and participation in their faith community. Wow.
The members (and visitors) were of all ages and walks of life. The tattoed young mother sitting by an older couple dressed in their Sunday best. Not one person batted an eye at the vast diversity in the place.
Walking into the building, art adorns every wall and corner. All forms of it....I felt truly free as I was in "the tent." (by the way, they call it the tent because they do not own the building, they are not held down by building debt, payrolls, etc.) The "living room" (their name for the place where the service was held) was stuffed to the brim with chairs, sofas, and other comfortable seating. It was standing room only!
During the visiting time, you could see the pure love and concern that everyone had for God and for one another. The pastor made time to speak to every person who wanted to speak to him. He welcomed comments and questions and other participation from the congregation, even during his sermon, which was straight from the bible.
All in all, I left there overwhelmed and very, very hopeful. I thank God for this opportunity.
Itchy Fingers
As you may know, this blog was originally started as a knitting journal. As time has passed, I found myself spending so much time reading blogs, books, doing garden and farm stuff, that I lost the time I would usually spend knitting. Then, as it went further out of sight, it went further out of mind.
Today is a new story. My fingers are itching! My good friend sent me a sweet, encouraging email, and the itch came back! She is working on a ruffled scarf and I thought that would be the perfect project for this gorgeous skein of Bearfoot Mountain yarns that has been sitting on my desk, whispering, "Knit me." I cast on today while watching the DVR'd episode of The Next Food Network Star (Anyone watch that? Did you predict the ending? I did!) and did a few repeats. What a great pattern to get started again with!
Now if I can get up and get some cleaning done!
Today is a new story. My fingers are itching! My good friend sent me a sweet, encouraging email, and the itch came back! She is working on a ruffled scarf and I thought that would be the perfect project for this gorgeous skein of Bearfoot Mountain yarns that has been sitting on my desk, whispering, "Knit me." I cast on today while watching the DVR'd episode of The Next Food Network Star (Anyone watch that? Did you predict the ending? I did!) and did a few repeats. What a great pattern to get started again with!
Now if I can get up and get some cleaning done!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Menu Plan Gratituesday!
OK, I am behind a bit....here is my week's menu plan, followed by Gratituesday.
Sunday - BBQ at my Mother-in-Law's
Monday - Meatloaf, red potatoes, corn
Tuesday - Fajitas, rice and beans
Wednesday - 7-Steak, cous cous, roasted squash
Thursday - Dry garlic pork, brown rice, peas
Friday - Family night at YMCA (hot dogs, maybe?)
Saturday - Daddy menu - Mom's OOT!!! Woo Hoo!
I am grateful for my home. It is simple, small, and comfortable. I love the land that our home sits on. It is perfect and shady and natural.
I am grateful for the four other people with whom I share my home!
I am grateful that I am able to stay at home with my darling children and the ability to be content at home.
I am grateful for my incredibly awesome and handsome husband, and that he is the most loving and attentive father and husband. He really makes up in the areas that I fail as a parent.
I am grateful for A/C in this hot TX weather. Phew!
I am grateful that I got to see our entire extended family (DH's side) at my niece's quincenera this weekend. I am grateful that I attended a beautiful traditional celebration of a young woman coming of age. And I am especially grateful that this young woman is my precious niece.
I am grateful for the break that I will be taking this weekend!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Sunday - BBQ at my Mother-in-Law's
Monday - Meatloaf, red potatoes, corn
Tuesday - Fajitas, rice and beans
Wednesday - 7-Steak, cous cous, roasted squash
Thursday - Dry garlic pork, brown rice, peas
Friday - Family night at YMCA (hot dogs, maybe?)
Saturday - Daddy menu - Mom's OOT!!! Woo Hoo!
I am grateful for my home. It is simple, small, and comfortable. I love the land that our home sits on. It is perfect and shady and natural.
I am grateful for the four other people with whom I share my home!
I am grateful that I am able to stay at home with my darling children and the ability to be content at home.
I am grateful for my incredibly awesome and handsome husband, and that he is the most loving and attentive father and husband. He really makes up in the areas that I fail as a parent.
I am grateful for A/C in this hot TX weather. Phew!
I am grateful that I got to see our entire extended family (DH's side) at my niece's quincenera this weekend. I am grateful that I attended a beautiful traditional celebration of a young woman coming of age. And I am especially grateful that this young woman is my precious niece.
I am grateful for the break that I will be taking this weekend!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pictures coming soon....
If you are wondering why I haven't posted any pics lately...my batteries died in my camera and I haven't replaced them yet! I will do that this weekend....we have a very special occasion to attend this weekend and I will post on Sunday or Monday.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Why my spiritual views are "evolving.."
So, if you read my previous post, you'll see that I had some time to think today. I took my book by Tony Jones, The New Christians, with me so I could read while I waited at the Dr's office. (Glad I did, because I did a lot of waiting!)
I became a Christian about 6 years ago (I say "about," because, silly me - I didn't take not of the date!). I can say, with every cell of my being, that the moment I asked Jesus into my life, everything changed. I truly understood the new wine into new wine skins parable from the bible. I felt a real, physical lifting of burdens from my shoulders. It was a spiritual, emotional, and physical event that I recall as if it was yesterday.
From that point forward, till about 6 months ago, I walked around, very oblivious to a lot of things. I saw all things through rose-colored glasses. I made many monumental mistakes, but I also grew so much. (at times, you might have said, like a weed!) I attend an evangelical, non-denominational church with very strong community roots, whose members became my family and nurtured me as I grew (and continue to).
About six months ago, my rose colored glasses lost their tint, and I began to see things through the brightness of reality. My innocence was lost, so to speak! : ) I began to understand why people were put off by "the church" (***please do not read this as the church I attend, but as the church in general***). I started to do a lot of reading and researching, praying and thinking, conversing and observing. I am learning about issues of politics, social justice, environmentalism, missional, emerging, emergent, post modernism, progressive, and so on. I feel like a newborn in this rich, beautiful, respectful, conversational, loving movement, so I don't know that I can find the words to accurately portray the way I feel about it, but I do know that this is where I need to be heading, where I need to be.
I am learning that the church needs not be a structure, it needs to be a community, a life lived in the pursuit of loving God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and bringing glory to Him in all that we do, say, think, and feel. And very importantly, loving our neighbors - wholly, openly, without judgement. This is so much easier to say than do, although we must do all we can to live intentionally.
I pray that I can apply all that I am learning to effectively live my life and pursue my Jesus.
I became a Christian about 6 years ago (I say "about," because, silly me - I didn't take not of the date!). I can say, with every cell of my being, that the moment I asked Jesus into my life, everything changed. I truly understood the new wine into new wine skins parable from the bible. I felt a real, physical lifting of burdens from my shoulders. It was a spiritual, emotional, and physical event that I recall as if it was yesterday.
From that point forward, till about 6 months ago, I walked around, very oblivious to a lot of things. I saw all things through rose-colored glasses. I made many monumental mistakes, but I also grew so much. (at times, you might have said, like a weed!) I attend an evangelical, non-denominational church with very strong community roots, whose members became my family and nurtured me as I grew (and continue to).
About six months ago, my rose colored glasses lost their tint, and I began to see things through the brightness of reality. My innocence was lost, so to speak! : ) I began to understand why people were put off by "the church" (***please do not read this as the church I attend, but as the church in general***). I started to do a lot of reading and researching, praying and thinking, conversing and observing. I am learning about issues of politics, social justice, environmentalism, missional, emerging, emergent, post modernism, progressive, and so on. I feel like a newborn in this rich, beautiful, respectful, conversational, loving movement, so I don't know that I can find the words to accurately portray the way I feel about it, but I do know that this is where I need to be heading, where I need to be.
I am learning that the church needs not be a structure, it needs to be a community, a life lived in the pursuit of loving God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and bringing glory to Him in all that we do, say, think, and feel. And very importantly, loving our neighbors - wholly, openly, without judgement. This is so much easier to say than do, although we must do all we can to live intentionally.
I pray that I can apply all that I am learning to effectively live my life and pursue my Jesus.
Gratituesday July 8, 2008
Gratituesday Greetings!!!
I had a Dr's appointment this morning in a neighboring town, so between driving and waiting, I had a nice chance to think and reflect. While my thoughts didn't exactly gravitate to the things that I am thankful for, I did have a chance to regroup, which makes me more able to go there.
Today, I am thankful for the rain. It has been a very long spell of drought. We have had rain every day for the last week to 10 days. I pray that we get a good, soaking rain at least once a week for the rest of the summer.
I am thankful that my children are cheerfully doing their chores, which takes a lot of pressure off of me, and we all get along better when we work together.
I am thankful that I have an abundance of fruit and vegetables to eat and that we have food in our freezer.
I am thankful for my friends and family that I share my life with, and that share their life with me.
I am thankful for the times that my DH spends with the kids - playing games, basketball, golf, or just plain old famly movie night. I am also grateful for when I get them back from Dad all nice and refreshed. : )
As always, the list could go on and on.....but I have more stuff to blog about and I need to get to that! Peace!
I had a Dr's appointment this morning in a neighboring town, so between driving and waiting, I had a nice chance to think and reflect. While my thoughts didn't exactly gravitate to the things that I am thankful for, I did have a chance to regroup, which makes me more able to go there.
Today, I am thankful for the rain. It has been a very long spell of drought. We have had rain every day for the last week to 10 days. I pray that we get a good, soaking rain at least once a week for the rest of the summer.
I am thankful that my children are cheerfully doing their chores, which takes a lot of pressure off of me, and we all get along better when we work together.
I am thankful that I have an abundance of fruit and vegetables to eat and that we have food in our freezer.
I am thankful for my friends and family that I share my life with, and that share their life with me.
I am thankful for the times that my DH spends with the kids - playing games, basketball, golf, or just plain old famly movie night. I am also grateful for when I get them back from Dad all nice and refreshed. : )
As always, the list could go on and on.....but I have more stuff to blog about and I need to get to that! Peace!
Getting to know my neighbors
A very unusual thing happened to our family yesterday, which ended up with us making new friends in our extended neighborhood.
To give a bit of background, we have been having a little rat terrier come visit us for a few months. About once a week, he'd come spend a day or two to visit, then leave. This week, though, he had been around for several days. {The children call any small stray dog, Bobo, but for some reason, he responded to that! } So, Bobo has been making himself very comfortable, but at night, stood by the door with his puppy dog eyes, trying to make us let him in (no dice), and our dogs barked off and on all night, just because he was there. Since previously, he would go home after a day or so, and didn't this time, I called the animal shelter number yesterday morning that was on his tag, and gave his code number, and within 15 minutes, I was on the phone with his owner. Well, his owner's grandma. Turns out, his owner moved and left the dog with Grandparents, who live about 3/4ths of a mile from us. His real name is Spots. BUT his owner's granddaughter is named Melanie, and the Grandma calls him Bobo. Coincidence, no?
My DH and DS took Bobo Spots home in the evening. About an hour later, an old man came knocking on our door, so very grateful. He started talking about his garden, how it is over-abundant and that we could come get as much veggies as we want out of it, and he kept talking. So as he was leaving, he handed me his card....wait a minute! That wasn't the name of the person with whom I spoke in the morning! It turns out that he had lost two black pugs, and someone from my street returned them, at the same time my DH was returning Bobo! We figured out who it was, and DH took the man to them. He said we could come get some veggies, anyways!
Then 15 minutes later, another old man knocks on our door! This was the real owner of Bobo. He was on his way home from work and didn't realize that we already returned him. He was telling of how Bobo's companion Chihuahua ran away and never came back and that he was very lonely. He just stayed with us because of our kids and pet menagerie. He recognized a place where animals were welcome! DH told the old man that Bobo could come over any time, and now that we know where he lives, we'll just bring him home in the evening.
How's that for getting to know your neighbors?
To give a bit of background, we have been having a little rat terrier come visit us for a few months. About once a week, he'd come spend a day or two to visit, then leave. This week, though, he had been around for several days. {The children call any small stray dog, Bobo, but for some reason, he responded to that! } So, Bobo has been making himself very comfortable, but at night, stood by the door with his puppy dog eyes, trying to make us let him in (no dice), and our dogs barked off and on all night, just because he was there. Since previously, he would go home after a day or so, and didn't this time, I called the animal shelter number yesterday morning that was on his tag, and gave his code number, and within 15 minutes, I was on the phone with his owner. Well, his owner's grandma. Turns out, his owner moved and left the dog with Grandparents, who live about 3/4ths of a mile from us. His real name is Spots. BUT his owner's granddaughter is named Melanie, and the Grandma calls him Bobo. Coincidence, no?
My DH and DS took Bobo Spots home in the evening. About an hour later, an old man came knocking on our door, so very grateful. He started talking about his garden, how it is over-abundant and that we could come get as much veggies as we want out of it, and he kept talking. So as he was leaving, he handed me his card....wait a minute! That wasn't the name of the person with whom I spoke in the morning! It turns out that he had lost two black pugs, and someone from my street returned them, at the same time my DH was returning Bobo! We figured out who it was, and DH took the man to them. He said we could come get some veggies, anyways!
Then 15 minutes later, another old man knocks on our door! This was the real owner of Bobo. He was on his way home from work and didn't realize that we already returned him. He was telling of how Bobo's companion Chihuahua ran away and never came back and that he was very lonely. He just stayed with us because of our kids and pet menagerie. He recognized a place where animals were welcome! DH told the old man that Bobo could come over any time, and now that we know where he lives, we'll just bring him home in the evening.
How's that for getting to know your neighbors?
Monday, July 7, 2008
There's something to be said....
...about this rainy weather. My children are willingly, happily, and dedicatedly doing their chores! I don't know if it's the weather, or maybe they're simply growing up! They have done things like wash windows, clean bathroom counters and sink, sweep, mop, unload dishwasher and re-load it, help with dinner....and they have been working on their room! YIKES! This may not sound like anything special to some of you, but to us, this is monumental! I am so proud of them.
When you have a chance....
Check out this link...it's the lowdown on plastic bags.
Meal Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday
July 6 - 12, 08
Sunday - Watermelon and snacky foods
Monday - Roast Beef taco salad and tacos
Tuesday - Grilled chicken, corn and black bean salad
couscous with lime and cilantro
Wednesday - Sloppy Joes, chips, and pickles
Thursday - Cheeseburger pizza with salad
Friday - Meatloaf, red potatoes, and veggies
Saturday - outing - niece's quincenera
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Meal Plan Monday and Gratituesday
So here is the link for the meal plan Monday - thank you, Misty! While visiting the site, I was redirected to another that has a link-around (don't know what else to call it!) called Gratituesday, where we link back and blog about what we are grateful for. So here is mine...
Today, I am grateful for the following:
1. my children and I are starting to get into the groove of summer vacation. That means we are getting along better!
2. my oldest is making "nevilled eggs" and it is so sweet that she is making lunch for herself and her bro and sis.
3. my life as a home-maker
4. my loving husband, who works rally hard at everything he does so that I can be an at home mom.
5. my beautiful friends, but local and online, who are all so different, so precious. They make my life so full.
6. the security and freedom and love that I have as a follower of Christ.
7. the forecast of a chance of rain all week (praying for 100% chance!)
8. kisses and hugs from my babies
9. our pets
there are so many more....it's hard to keep up!
Regarding meal plan Monday, I see that others post their breakfast, lunch and dinner plans, and I have always just done our meal plan for dinner - since it's the big meal of the day. I will definitely work on planning breakfast and lunch, as well, from now on.
Today, I am grateful for the following:
1. my children and I are starting to get into the groove of summer vacation. That means we are getting along better!
2. my oldest is making "nevilled eggs" and it is so sweet that she is making lunch for herself and her bro and sis.
3. my life as a home-maker
4. my loving husband, who works rally hard at everything he does so that I can be an at home mom.
5. my beautiful friends, but local and online, who are all so different, so precious. They make my life so full.
6. the security and freedom and love that I have as a follower of Christ.
7. the forecast of a chance of rain all week (praying for 100% chance!)
8. kisses and hugs from my babies
9. our pets
there are so many more....it's hard to keep up!
Regarding meal plan Monday, I see that others post their breakfast, lunch and dinner plans, and I have always just done our meal plan for dinner - since it's the big meal of the day. I will definitely work on planning breakfast and lunch, as well, from now on.
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