I have been given a blog award by Misty . This is pretty cool because I haven't received a blog award before! But receiving the award comes with giving the award...paying it forward! I am very happy to do this, because there are some blogs that are very special to me.
The rules for this award: Put the logo on your blog. Put a link to who awarded it to you on your blog also. You need to nominate other bloggers for the award and put links to them also on your blog. Finally, leave a comment for those you've nominated - so they know they've received a special award.
The following blogs are the ones that I want to bestow the award upon!!!!
1. Misty - (this will sound a lot like your note to me! : )) My new friend! I knew from the first time I read you and corresponded with you that you would hold a special place in my heart and mind. I love your precious attitude and your desire to be the wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend that God would have you be. You are an inspiration!
2. Kristen - You are incredibly bright and loving. The blogs you write are very informative and inspirational. I can tell you that I will be honored if my daughters turn out like you. (and if my son marries someone like you!).
3. Kristen H - my new local friend, who read my blog, emailed me, and we became fast friends! I love your outspokenness and sincerity. I love knitting with you (the rare chances we have). I hope we get to know eachother better and spend more time together!
4. Tory - my long lost friend! One of the two classmates that I actually keep in touch with! I love reading your blog - you are witty and fun, loving and creative. I am glad to have reconnected with you!
These are four of the blogs I frequent - I visit more, but feel a special connection to you gals - you touch my life!
AWW! Thanks! I love keeping up with your life through your blog also. You are a great Mom and one of the sweetest, most down to earth, most sincere people I know! Glad we caught up after all that time. :)
Misty is a dear friend of mine, and since she is raving about you I thought I would introduce myself and become a reader of your blog as well. Isn't our friend Misty great!
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