I posted once, quite a while back, 100 things about me. A person whose blog I keep up with read it and got so completely offended and offered a very verbal assault on his own blog, thankfully not naming me but accusing me of many ugly things....because I am a believer in God and I am most thankful for my salvation. Any reference that was spiritual in nature was attacked. I am sorry that my post offended him, but never sorry for my feelings and my belief in God.
This episode led me to choose my words more carefully,y so as to remain unoffensive to would-be readers. I started a tumblr blog to share my belief and other spiritual topics, as well as link Christian articles and blogs that I enjoyed.
Now, though, as time goes by, I am more aware of the fact that it is wrong to separate myself - a neutral being on one forum, and a strong believer on another. As you may have noticed, I have been doing more of my God blogging (for lack of better words) here on Blogger. I am also trying to incorporate all of the things I enjoy or feel strongly about....food, knitting, family....and above all, God.
I hope to become more articulate when it comes to sharing my faith...I always feel like I search for the right words - perhaps to not offend, or to not feel stupid, or to sound like I don't know what I am talking about. I also don't have great confidence in my writing skills. I am not here to apologize for all this, just to share what's going on in this little brain of mine.
As for my new blog title, In Search of Wonder, well, that pretty much describes the journey I am on. My former title, The Almost Daily Blah Blah Blah, had no spiritual implications, whatsoever, and those were all words that describe me, but they weren't who I am. I am on a search for Wonder...for this awesome God who created the heavens, the earth, and everything everywhere, who knows my inmost being and loves me anyway. He can never be put in a box.
Here is the dictionary definition of wonder...to give you an idea of why I used this word to describe my Wonderful God: 1. to think or speculate curiously; 2. to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel; 3. something strange and surprising; a cause of surprise, astonishment, or admiration; 4. the emotion excited by what is strange and surprising; a feeling of surprised or puzzled interest, sometimes tinged with admiration; 5. miraculous deed or event; remarkable phenomenon.
"....that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Pt 2:9

i love your new blog name! and i'm glad that you've 'come together.' there is no separating our lives in God from our lives ... elsewhere! your journey is leading you in the right direction. continue on being the wonder that is 'you'!
love you,
You go girl!
Good for you! I totally support ALL your Christian posts. I'm sorry you got so severely attacked. It's your blog and you can post whatever you want to. There are plenty of people like me who support you and your new blog. Go for it!
What a blessing it is to know you! I just recently found your blog, and look forward to hearing all God is revealing to you!
Your writing is perfect! And your heart is felt through it!
Love, Amy
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