I am a knitter. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a "domestic engineer." Knitting is what holds me together. Many people ask when I find the time to knit, with three young children running around, a home to keep, church involvement, etc. etc, but my answer is always the same. It keeps me sane. Knitting is something I can do with my time and talent that produces results. It is art that I can wear, a labor of love to give.
I love to take pictures of my work, my progress, and now with the blog, I can document it and share the process.
I find that when I run into other knitters, a bond is there that cannot be broken. Friendships develop and knowledge grows when you are in the company of knitters.
To quote from "The Shop on Blossom Street," by Debbie Macomber, "One of the things I love most about being a knitter is the community of other knitters. Anytime I run into another person (usually a woman but not always) who knits, it's like finding a long-lost friend. The two of us instantly connect. It doesn't matter that only seconds earlier we were strangers, because we immediately share a common bond."
Knitting is an art that I would love to pass on to anyone, especially my children. We can't let it slip away, we must preserve it for the future generations.
This picture is of me wearing my Drop-Stitch Lace Tank from Stephanie Japel's Fitted Knits. I finished it the week of my birthday. I love it.
Well, Good night,
To get a glimpse of my life, please go to www.myspace.com/knittingloca
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