Good morning,
I have some awesome news, my mother is coming to TX! She is coming for a 10 day visit from Maine!!! She sent me her itinerary this morning. Wow. I miss her so much. Here is a photo of her with my kids and hubby taken last July when we went to visit her. Yippee!!! They will be so happy to see her.
Last evening, our knitting group met at Jen's Java for our 2nd Tuesday meeting. We had a blast and got some serious knitting done. I never imagined how close knit (pun intended! Hehe!) this group would be when I joined it. There is such a connection there, and it is a very high concentration of very beautiful, unique women.
I finally buckled down and fixed a problem on the brown prayer shawl that I have been working on. A couple of months ago, my dear son pulled out one needle (I was half way through the row) and ripped it back about five rows!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH! It was "one of those days," and after that happened, I painstakingly spent about 45 minutes repairing the problem, only to find out that I made a mistake doing that. I put the shawl in the bag and put it away till last night. Luckily all I had to do was rip back two rows and then it was fixed!!!!!! I am about 10 inches away from a finished project, so you'll see a photo really soon!
Since I began blogging this morning, I spoke with the Crafty lady, discussing the knitting class. I am so excited!!! More to come on that.......
Till then,
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