Monday, March 3, 2008


I love Ravelry. I have been enjoying it for several months now, mostly recording my current WIPs and FOs. Then I started getting into the groups (I had browsed them before, but mostly lurked). I am now more involved with two particular ones that I have made some friends on. We also decided (myself and at least four other women from different parts of the country) to do a RAL KAL (read-a-long/knit-a-long). This will be my first ever of either and I am so looking forward to it! We are reading CS Lewis' "Till We Have Faces" and knitting (I don't know if everyone will be knitting the same pattern, but some are) Branching Out from Knitty . I have read four chapters so far and have knit almost two pattern repeats (I am doubling the lace pattern, so mine will be wider than the one shown) and am really loving the idea of doing this with my new friends in my knitting community.

I am a little bit in a funk lately, can't shake it. I just have to remember to pray.

And for the triplets I have been knitting socks for, they were born on the 29th, 14 weeks early.
The mom has been released from the hospital today, but the boys will be staying for quite a while longer. They weigh 1lb 9oz, 1lb 14oz, and 2lb 4oz. Please pray for this family.

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