Friday, September 3, 2010


It has been way too long since I have posted on this here blog. It seems like most of my previous posts were apologetically introduced as having been a long time and blah blah blah. I guess that will once again be the case! HA!

A new school year has begun and life around here has gone from leisurely and relaxed to full on pedal to the metal. The summer was great. A friend and I did the "Couch to 5K" program. Yes, it is true. I literally went from my couch to running my first 5K this past Saturday. Yeeha! That has been a fun journey.

When school let out, we discovered the lovely Netflix on demand disc that you can play in the Wii. We sure got our money's worth from our membership. We spent many (and I mean MANY) hours watching every episode of "Heroes," "Nurse Jackie," and "Dexter." My favorite is ol' "Dexter" but we had to be careful watching that because the kids were as drawn to it as we were but we had to keep shooing them out of the room because it is highly inappropriate. I ended up going to bed way too late during summer vacation! HA!

In the end of July, we took our first family vacation in four years. We went to visit my family in Maine and Canada. Fifteen days of eating, swimming, playing, eating, eating, and did I mention, eating? I tried to exercise ONCE and didn't try again. I just went back to eating some more. Hehe! Luckily I was able to get back into the swing of things upon our return to sweltering Texas. The weather in Maine was mostly in the 70's by day and 40's to 50's by night.

It was fantastic to see my family after four years. My grandparents are my favorite people in the world besides my kids and it was simply precious to be in their presence. I cherished every second with them. And it was kinda nice to be spoiled for a little while! They fed us lobster and freshly caught fresh water trout, along with many other Canadian treats such as ployes and creton.

The children had a blast swimming, kayaking, hiking, boat riding and tubing (not our S. TX kind of "toobing" - it's hooking up a tube and pulling it behind a boat). There was no cable TV and limited Wii playing, leaving us plenty of time for outdoor activity. They enjoyed THEIR grandmother as I enjoyed my grandparents, which was a rare treat due to the distance between us. Olivia swam with a family of ducks - a momma and 6 babies! The kids even got to swim in the lake with their great-grandfather. What an experience!

When we returned from Maine, we immediately fell into the pre-school rush. The very next week I went back to work, and the kids started school a week later. First day of school for the children was also my first day of college classes for the fall semester. AHHHH! Talk about 0-60 in 5.2!!!

Cooking has taken the back burner (get it? HAHA!). I have been preparing simple meals such as sandwiches, chicken, and spaghetti. Nothing gourmet or fancy. Usually when I get home from work, I pass out for about 30 minutes before I can function, which means I have less time to prepare meals in a timely manner. That's OK. No one here is malnourished or anything. We still manage to eat healthy, just not as much variety these days.

College classes are in full swing. Government and US History are on the menu. I have tried US History before and never could digest it. Twice, actually. This professor is really interesting and is making this more interesting than I ever remember it. Gov't, on the other hand, although the professor is amazing and completely excited and fired up about it, is killing me!!! The info just doesn't stick to my brain. Could the brain be where Teflon originated? Hmmm. Possibly.

Well, here is wishing you a terrific Labor Day holiday weekend. If you haven't given up on reading this silly blog yet, thanks for sticking with it. Meanwhile I will try to come up with something more than just a story about me me me. LOL!

Peace out, YO!


Anonymous said...

Love your words...I miss you SIL-ly. Let's find a way to keep in touch. And, I must keep reading! - Sheri

smileymamaT said...

Hee! Your posts make me smile. Sounds exhausting, jumping back in like that, but if anyone can do it, you can!! It was SO good to see you all this summer. Hugs and hellos all around. :)