Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time....

My, but Christmas is a busy time, isn't it? There are presents to buy, cookies to bake, casseroles to prepare, Christmas parties to attend.....and somewhere in there, feed the family, slow down, rest, take time to reflect on why we go through all this. It is hard to be thankful and full of HOLYday Spirit when everything around you is going a hundred miles an hour, when drivers around you are more full of rage than usual, when you are fighting over a spot in the cashier lines at the stores, when you just don't know what that special gift should be for that special person, and when you figure it out and go look for it, it's gone. Yes, it's that most wonderful time of the year, isn't it?
Today, I will be baking cookies for my neighbors and friends, and instead of rushing to get it all done, and stressing about it, I plan to take my time, and enjoy the process of doing something nice for them. I hope to be able to do that in everything that I do for the rest of the Christmas season. And beyond.
I wish all of you in blogland the ability to take some time and relax, enjoy spending time with your family, be with your friends, take a deep breath, feel no stress, and have that warm, fuzzy feeling inside, that knowledge of being loved, unconditionally, wholly, completely, by our LORD who came to earth to live with us.
Love and Blessings to you and yours!

1 comment:

smileymamaT said...

Hi there, long time no visit...I enjoyed looking over your photos. We visited the same kind of bird area when at Busch Gardens in October and the kids LOVED it...nice pic of the lovebirds, too. Your right, this is the time to relax and focus on family togetherness, and remember why we are celebrating!