Thursday, March 6, 2008

On love...

I finished reading Blue Like Jazz last week, and there was a paragraph in there that has resonated through me in such a profound way. It was something I thought I knew, but the way D.M. put it, it was like a lightening bolt sort-of aha moment that solidified and put to words this ache that has been in my heart concerning the way we treat others, and the way our actions impact the very souls of others. (it's from his conversation with his friend Paul on the subject of marriage)
" '...And because she loves me, and teaches me that I am lovable, I can better interact with God.'
'What do you mean?'
'I mean that to be in a relationship with God is to be loved purely and furiously. And a person who thinks himself unlovable cannot be in a relationship with God because he can't accept who God is; a Being that is love. We learn that we are lovable or unlovable from other people,' Paul says. 'That is why God tells us so many times to love each other.' " (p146-147 Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller)

and by this , loving each other means really loving each other. Not just saying the words "I love you," with no actions behind the words. Meaning that it doesn't matter what or who the person is who is to receive the love. Totally completely, unconditionally. Period.


Anni said...

And if you say it with words -- but not your actions -- then the words don't mean as much. Loving others seems like it should be so easy... but often it isn't. We do have to first love and accept ourselves the way we are, then we can give and receive love. Sometimes the best way to show love is to be quiet ... and to listen.

Mokihana said...

A friend just loaned me this book and I'm anxious to read it. Thanks for the preview!!

Misty said...

hey.. i've yet to read BLJ but i'm ready to.. i just need to borrow my copy! anyway, that quote makes me think of one of the "AHA" moments i had about God in college.. i'd just gotten done telling a friend of mine that i didn't believe in love (i meant the silly boy meets girl romantic kind), and she reeled... she said, "misty, you've just said you don't believe in God!" i scoffed, but she got me to thinking, and the more i thouhgt, i realized that God is love, and that i was downplaying my ability to understand what HIS love cost b/cs i refused to accept even the mere shadow of what his love looks like. and of course, marrying and having kids just opens up a whole new level of comprehension! thanks for sharing... it's a good reminder!