Monday, May 19, 2008

Because I needed MORE to do....

I participate in a local CSA (oxymoron???) - CSA is Consumer Supported Agriculture. There is a very lovely local farmer, who for the last four years, has been farming more than just row crops (like wheat). Row crops were becoming less and less profitable, meanwhile, they were discovering that people were becoming more and more interested in what they put into their bodies, as well as eating local, seasonal foods. She and her husband discovered that they were making decent income just from people who stopped by to purchase their corn. One thing led to another and their former family garden has become a 35 acre vegetable farm! I have been a member of this CSA, meaning I pay a monthly fee and receive a bag of fresh veggies once a week, for about a year. I must tell you that the vegetables are absolutely wonderful. They are picked right before distribution, so members get the freshest possible. The family also sells their goods at farmers markets throughout the area.

Yesterday, the farmer sent out an email asking for help on the farm. She needs help with things like picking, mulching, weeding, etc. I answered, asking about hours, if I could bring Little Guy, etc...and we made arrangements and I worked today! D was a trooper, and I got three hours of good picking in. I picked about 20# of green beans (I don't know how good that is, but for a first day, not too bad). I made a little cash, got some hot TX sun, and fell in love with farming.

I have been reading blogs, articles, and more, about being a localvore, and now I feel very encouraged to pursue eat locally, and to support our VERY HARD WORKING farmers.

I gained such an appreciation for the life these folks live and the living they make.
And now, I am tired and sore, and looking very forward to tomorrow. I feel so blessed and thankful to be involved in this.


kediger said...

That's so awesome! I wish we were a part of a CSA - there really aren't any around here but we're planning on joining one in Chicago. I would love to help with the farming - I don't have the greenest thumb so I could stand to learn a lot more.

Good luck with the cheese making! :)

Misty said...

i was just going to ask waht csa meant! you read my mind! glad your farming went well! talk to you soon!

smileymamaT said...

That's fantastic! It really feels good to work in the garden, doesn't it, or on a farm(!!), that is so cool.
I planted flowerbeds last year, want to plant veggies this year but need to start from scratch with turning the ground over (have to remove the grass/sod first! Heavy work - hoping to rent a tiller).

Sweet Haiku by your daughter, too! :)T

kediger said...

I can't believe that you made it right the first time. It took me three tries to get it. Congrats!