Thursday, July 30, 2009


Yesterday, on the way home from the bowling alley, we stopped at a local fast food joint for a snack to offset the unimaginable hunger that ensued during the one hour stay at the bowling alley (we were positioned directly in front of the snack bar, where the smell of frito pie and french fries continually wafted in our direction).

Olivia decided on getting mozzarella cheese sticks for her snack.

One bite in, she said, "Mom. When I bite into these cheese sticks, they are so delicious and cheesy and melty. It's like I am eating gourmet food!"

The girl isn't hard to impress!

1 comment:

~Sheila~ said...

I love kids who impress easily. Then you can use it as leverage!

"You won't do what? No? Okay, then no more gourmet mozzeralla sticks for you!"

At least it's something you can afford to NOT get.