Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Big Race

Today I ran a 4.5 mile race called the Dog Days of Summer - it was "challenging and hilly course" with a HUGE hill at the very beginning. I made it by speedwalking the 2nd half of the hill, conserving my energy in order to complete the rest of the course. At the crest of the hill, I quickly gained speed and passed a good 15-20 folks, only 2 of whom passed me at the very end of the race. Unfortunately I woke up this morning feeling under the weather. My DH had a really bad flu-ish cold with fever, chills, sinus, etc.this week. I managed to stay healthy all week till this morning. While running, I had to take several little walking breaks. I still managed to pass people, and the ladies in my division all beat me by at least a minute and a half, I don't think I could have beat them feeling well. I took 4th place in my division, which is OK, considering the terrain and the way I felt. (Last race, I woke up with a tummy big but still managed to set a great PR of 9:06 miles).

My lovely photographer (the eldest of the fruit of my womb) was distracted by squirrels and dogs, so missed me coming through the finish line. After I kicked off my shoes and Bad Ass socks, I ran through the finish line barefoot so we could have a shot of it - and hopefully a preview of races to come, crossing the finish line in minimalist shoes or even barefoot!!

For fuel this morning, I ate 3/4 of a half bagel with some PB and drank about 16 oz of chia fresca which no doubt gives me tons of natural, jitter-free energy. I had a coupon for Power Bar brand energy goo - which I tasted but istantly gagged on and threw in the trash. LOL.

Now that this race is over, I am looking forward to training in my Merrells and tackling the next challenge.

Till then......

Enjoy your awesome life!

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