Saturday, December 13, 2008

10 Years of Bliss

Thursday marked a very special milestone in our lives. Danny and I celebrated 10 years of marriage! We met under unusual circumstances (who doesn't??), dated for a few months before deciding to move in together (gasp!). I moved in with him at his grandparent's home - bless them, I wasn't the easiest person to get along with at the time! We lived there together for three years, during which we conceived and had our first baby, got married, and conceived our 2nd baby. At that point, we decided to move out and find a little rental house, which we lived in for a year before we found our gem of a home in the country. We have been here for a little over 7 years.

As all couples, we had our ups and downs, but our downs never got so low and I can't remember a time when we stayed upset with each other for over a couple of days. We always found forgiveness and love, no matter what. We have been with each other through the loss of his grandma, my dad and step-dad, a couple of beloved pets. We also gave birth to three beautiful, precious children. Danny always has been right there with me, encouraging and loving me and the kids with everything he has.

We made the decision for me to stay at home with the kids, we knew it the moment I gave birth to Olivia. I was a breastfeeding/cloth diapering/baby wearing mama, and it was great to see him advocate those causes to various friends and family members who became pregnant and had babies. That always brought a great big smile to my face! Meanwhile, as I was home keeping these kiddos, he was out there, working his tail off, making sacrifices so we could parent our children in the way we believed was right for us.

Danny has taught me so much about being peaceful and laid back (trust me on this one, I had a long way to go with that!), humble, patient, unconditionally loving, selfless, brave, and tough. He took my good and made it better and showed me how to work through the bad and get over myself when I was being a self absorbed brat (which, by the way, could be because I am an only child and he is the oldest of 9!!!).

If you can't tell, I love this man with my whole entire being! God found the absolutely most perfect man for me (and perfect woman for him???) and He led us to each other, He blessed us with an incredibly wonderful marriage, three beautiful children, a home full of love, hope, joy, and laughter. For this I am very, very thankful.