Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lack of Posting Lately

Hello, everyone....sorry for the lack of posting lately. I am still alive and kicking. But for a while there, I wasn't exactly kicking. I have nursed two separate, pretty bad colds and haven't had much to blog about because I haven't done too much other than being at home, recovering. I've had sinuses so my head's been a little foggy.

I didn't even post my meal plan for the past week, so I'll just tell you what we ate: clam chowder, meat and beans, King Ranch casserole, chicken tenders with rice and veggies, and pot roast. Today, Danny and his brother Javi are picking up Subways for dinner. Yum.

I started culturing (don't know if that's the right word) kefir this week...and am forcing myself to like it. Well, to drink it, anyways. I am looking for more palatable ways to consume it, so if you have any suggestions, they are very welcome, just leave a comment. I also started brewing kombucha, it's on day 3, so we'll see how that goes - I'll let you know!

Alrighty then, catch ya next time!
: )


Misty said...

love the christmas background!! let me know about the kombucha! i only like the way over sugared kefir from the store... but if this pregnanc is like my others, i will become lactose intolerant by 3rd tri, and kefir will be my only dairy intake. oh well.

Kristen Harrison said...

So what is kombucha? Sounds like illegal Russian tub booze... Are you going to get busted for having it in your kitchen?
