Friday, August 10, 2007

Day two.

Good morning, Friends!

This is day two of blogging for me. As you can see, I have been busy....not knitting like I should, but showing you a sampling of the work I have done over the last couple of years. I am so happy to have an avenue for sharing, for showing what's on my needles, and what made it off.

Before last night, one of my favorite things to do on the computer was to browse knitting blogs. I finally decided to get in on the action. In addition to sharing my work, I can practice my writing skills and exercise my brain!

I feel so blessed and thankful for this gift that was given me. Both my grandmothers were knitters (In the Northeast, it is a necessity!) and my Aunt Jean is an expert who lends me so much of her knowledge. She even taught me how to knit cables while we were talking on the phone!!!! Both my daughters have an interest in knitting and are busy practicing the garter stitch. Sophia is already an expert finger-knitter.

Next weekend my knitting group is going on a field trip to an Alpaca ranch where we will have experience in spinning. One day, I will learn to spin and take my knitting a step further.

I must get on with my day - my household chores are waiting.......

Much Love,

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