Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Doing the Happy Dance!!

My very BIG boy, Danny Jr, has tackled a great big accomplishment in his life. Due to our small home, and our lifestyle choices of extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping (breastfeeding was over in Nov '05), Danny has slept with us since he was born. The girls were each "kicked out" of the bed when their new sibling came along, but since no one replaced Danny, he lingered around much longer. We had a toddler bed for him, but he didn't like it, so never slept in it. Later, we got a twin sized bed, which fits into a corner of our bedroom. He never really wanted to sleep in it until.......12 days ago! We set up a chart for him - sleep in his own bed for 28 days, and he will receive a reward of his choice (he said he wants a train, so we got off easy!). Danny has slept in his bed every night for the last 12 nights...he goes into it peacefully, no arguments, and falls asleep immediately, doesn't wake up during the night, and wakes up in a good mood! WOOHOO! And an added bonus is Mom and Dad getting the best rest they've had in years! This has been a great transition in our home.

1 comment:

Kristen Harrison said...

That's FANTASTIC. I know that no matter how much you adore your children, the little monsters tend to kick, flip, punch, and sweat. And although I have loved having each of our children in our beds, when the time comes to move them out and get your bed back to yourself, everyone sleeps better. Now, if I could just get my Katie sleeping through the night BY ANY MEANS... I would celebrate with you!