Friday, January 4, 2008

Still here

Here is my apologetic blog - I am still here and alive....and don't know where the time has gone. I am almost finished a Baby Surprise Jacket from The Opinionated Knitter and I think I may run out of yarn to complete the sequence! I might have to finish it out of sequence! UGH!!! I took a few pics of the progress, which I will post when I am done, so the whole thing can be seen. It is the coolest knit and I am so glad to have done it! I really didn't have a recipient in mind, so I am not sure what I will do with it. It is cool - retro colors! I am about a third of the way done Oliv's Step sock, which I will show you when they are finished and on her feet.

On the home front, I took down the tree and all decorations the day after Christmas! I was tired of it already! I was ready to re-claim the small amount of space I have. We had a great New Years Eve at a friend's house, then to DH's Grandpa's for the countdown, a tradition we still haven't missed for all these years! The only thing is I forgot to do the Mexican Hot Chocolate and Bunelos, so I made those today, along with several dozen tamales. I say that so non-chalantly, but Oh, Dear! What work! And they took triple the time to steam, which means I did something wrong. The end product was pretty good, though. I ate wayyyy tooooo many, which means, well, you know......I really need to start walking again!

I work tomorrow at You're So Crafty... I am going to run a series of Knitting Workshops which will be an hour long, held every third Saturday. I will cover things like: prayer shawls, reading patterns, lace basics, and so on. I am so looking forward to this. My favorite thing to do is share my excitement for knitting! It is the greatest reward to see my students develop such a love for the craft.

Well, I will try to post some photos very soon, maybe Monday. The girls go back to school and it will be me and my DS again.

Well, Peace Out, Knit Sibs! (And others who stop by to read!!!!)

1 comment:

Mokihana said...

I will be looking forward to photos! Sounds like your knitting enthusiasm will inspire other people too!