Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Great Read

On Ravelry, I am participating in a Read A Long on the book called Living More With Less by Doris Janzen Longacre. This is an incredibly eye-opening and revealing book which is forcing me to take a long hard look at the impact of my actions on the entire world.

There is a companion book called Living More With Less Cookbook, and as I am reading the section before the recipes, I have already learned so much about nutrition and the way we, as Americans, over-indulge and waste.

I pray for the self discipline to apply the knowledge that I gain from reading these two books to providing nourishment for my family, and for participating in change on a world-wide scale.

I will give a more thorough review when I finish the books.

1 comment:

Kristen Harrison said...

I look forward to hearing what you think after you've read them. I am thinking along similiar lines. I am thinking of doing that 21 day cleanse that Oprah and Dooce talked about. Wanna do it with me? I think parts would be easy and parts would be HARD HARD HARD.
