Monday, July 21, 2008

Itchy Fingers

As you may know, this blog was originally started as a knitting journal. As time has passed, I found myself spending so much time reading blogs, books, doing garden and farm stuff, that I lost the time I would usually spend knitting. Then, as it went further out of sight, it went further out of mind.

Today is a new story. My fingers are itching! My good friend sent me a sweet, encouraging email, and the itch came back! She is working on a ruffled scarf and I thought that would be the perfect project for this gorgeous skein of Bearfoot Mountain yarns that has been sitting on my desk, whispering, "Knit me." I cast on today while watching the DVR'd episode of The Next Food Network Star (Anyone watch that? Did you predict the ending? I did!) and did a few repeats. What a great pattern to get started again with!

Now if I can get up and get some cleaning done!

1 comment:

Misty said...

man, i have itchy fingers, too, but a foggy brain. i can't stay motivated w/ so much other stuff going on.
but, yes, we watch next FN star as well... dh predicted that ending! lol