Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Last year, a friend pointed me to Advent Conspiracy. I am not sure if I was ready to read it then because I glanced at it, unaffected. This year, another friend pointed me towards it, and I really took the time to read it, followed the links and suggestions, and now I find myself deeply affected.

I know my challenge will be introducing it to the family. It will be difficult to stand firm and tall amongst our extended family while many of them are not interested in the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

Another challenge will be for my own self, to not get caught up in all the craziness, consumerism, stress, expectaions, and more, that are associated with the season.

If you are interested in this, please leave a comment here - let's keep each other accountable! Let's make a promise to each other to be encouraging and uplifting. Let's give each other ideas on handmade gifts, whether it's a link we have found on the net or our own ideas. This won't be easy for a newbie, but together we can do it. To start, there are a lot of great suggestions at Rethinking Christmas.

Let's do this!!!!!


Anni said...

i think the concept of the advent conspiracy (worship fully, spend less, give more, love all) is a GREAT way to live your life all year round. and their theme this year is "this year give presence" is wonderful. we are planning to really cut down the whole consumerism angle in our household. (of course, our children are grown now!)

Tim Judkins said...

What an opportunity parents of young children have to influence their values as they grow and maybe, just maybe, the cycle of self-centered consumerism can be broken in the next generations.

Mellie_Blogs said...

I totally agree that this is the way we should live year round.

This definitely comes at a time when everything is so precarious, economically. I hope it's not too late to get the kids to fully understand and embrace the reasoning behind this.

Just another mother said...

Ha, for someone who hates shopping . . . this is great! In all actuality, I love the concept. It's values that I want Kaila to grow up appreciating. I'm in. Suppose I should check with the big spender in the family first:) Nah, I'm not too worried about him. It's the extended family like you suggested on your blog that will be difficult to incorporate.