Thursday, November 6, 2008

I got some good advice today.

I was at the grocery store this morning, getting a few items. It was pretty early, the store was quiet, and I didn't pay too much attention to my cart. I turned my back on the cart to get a bag of potatoes. As I turned around, one of the produce workers approached me and said, "Ma'am, I would like to ask a favor of you. You see, it's that time of the year, and you turned your back on your purse like you don't even want it! Someone could have walked off with it in the time it took you to get your potatoes.: He proceeded to show me a neat little trick (I usually get things after everyone else, so if you already do this, bear with me, I am happy to have learned this.) - He took the baby seat belt and looped it twice through my purse handles and buckled it. This would prevent someone from picking up the purse and walking off. How about that!?!?!?


Just another mother said...

Yes, unfortunately I learned that lesson really early on. I was in the third grade, out Christmas shopping with the money I had saved all year and someone took my purse out of the cart just like that. I know some people buckle in their purses, but they can still unzip it and take what they want. I always carry it with me. But then again, I'm always the one to triple lock my doors, too:)

Mellie_Blogs said...

That happened to Sophia last year - she saved up like $95, from b'day, tooth fairy, Christmas, had it in a purse in dad's car (we stuck it under the seat) and then dad lent the car to someone he knew and the purse came back empty. She had forgotten it in the car, but it seems like that person was determined to dig deep till he found something. That was just horrible. A hard lesson.

Anni said...

i guess that's why i always keep mine on my shoulder... i don't have to wonder where it is. i dont' even like to leave my little coupon holder in the cart -- it's probably worth more than my purse! LOL!
glad nothing happened to you today!

Unknown said...

I have never had a problem with my purse. I guess no one bothers a 240 lb she-man with hairy legs. HA.

Glad you learned a lesson before it isn't too late.