Monday, September 22, 2008


OK, Y'all. I have to apologize for a lack of interesting content on this blog lately. It seems like I am slipping into another "sponge" phase, where I am soaking in lots and lots of information. I have to let it sink in, digest it, sit on it for a while, and then attempt to organize this information and see where it fits into my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Currently I am reading The Irresistible Revolution, Organic Community, The Pursuit of God, the Bible, and I am doing a bible study based on the book of Daniel. As usual, I have all the different books situated at different spots around my home. I have a stack of books staring me in the face every time I sit down at the computer, which I am sad to report is a little too often.

I am hooked on Facebook and enjoy reuniting with long lost friends. This weekend, I reconnected with 3 of my really good friends. These were not in my grade, just people that I spent time with outside of school and had a lot of good times with, including University of Maine at Fort Kent theater production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Great times!

In addition with all this information processing and some time wasting, I have been doing some exercise videos - Turbo Jam - the direct result of watching an early morning infomercial while feeling fat and ugly. Hehe! I ordered it, not even terribly fired up about it, but did it with a little vow to myself to try it, and if I didn't like it, send it back. Well, surprise, I love it! I actually look forward to this nutty work out every morning. I can't report any significant weight loss yet, but I do feel my body transforming, and that is what it's all about. There are several different work outs and some have some funny names, and that makes me smile. (Booty Blast Plus Abs....Fat Blaster...Totally Tubular Workout, to name a few! Hehe!) I must say, I am very pleased with the program and I feel better.

My days are getting busier and busier. Mondays are grocery shopping and laundry day (I do that every day, but Mondays I catch up from the weekend). I finally got to a spot where I can help out at the girls' school and have started on Mondays and any other days I can fit some time in. I help the art teacher prepare and display the students' creations. Monday evenings, Olivia has art a 5:30, Danny has soccer practice at 6, and soon co-ed softball will be on at 7. This is all Mondays! Tuesdays and Thursdays I try to keep clear so the family can be together peacefully and not have commitments. During the days I just go with the flow, leaving room for social stuff, volunteering, helping, whatever comes along. Wednesdays all 3 kiddos go to AWANAs at a friends' church and if my knitting class ever gets enough students, I will be teaching on Wednesdays. Fridays are Sophia's soccer practice and Girl Scouts, and in the morning is my bible study. Saturdays are soccer and whatever we have energy left to do, be it veg on the couch or visit Grandpa, or whatever. Sunday is church and Grandpa. I get pooped just writing this schedule out!

We had a weather teaser last week - it was nice and cool but it's been getting warmer again. I am looking forward to lows in the 30s and highs in the 60s. Perfect. This 90s business is for the birds.

My pastor has been really working at encouraging us to live our lives, our Christian lives, every moment of every day. To worship no matter where we are, to love no matter who it is, to help others, to not judge, to bless God and others. I am taking his encouragement very seriously. I have been doing much reading and research on living my life for Jesus....I have been trying to practice it everywhere I go. I recognize that I am human and I will fall, but I will reach for God's loving hand and keep getting right back up. (I realize this looks silly, saying that I am reading about how to live my life for Jesus - I am simply reading other people's words and experiences and applying this information to my circumstances, my life, my environment. I am very thankful to have Pastor Tim as a shepherd and I pray that his passion and zeal are absolutely contagious, and this love he has for Jesus spreads like wildfire.

Have a wonderful week, and please humor me and try out some of my Happy Twit might even be surprised and get a good laugh and maybe even make some one's day!

With Love.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the rare occasion I read any blog it is usually yours. Your blog is so YOU and I love it. You aren't boring or bored and I'm with you in the insanity of having children. Soak in the joy of these crazy times because time is flying faster than we can imagine. Can you tell that my baby is this close to walking? Today he took a half step by himself.