Monday, September 8, 2008

Gratituesday (on Monday!)

Well, ain't that a kick in the head! I don't want to spend this blog complaining, because this one is to journal my gratitude. However, my negative feelings at this moment are actually a segue to the things I am most grateful for.

*******edited to remove the complaining part*********

I am so thankful for the life I live. We live in a small, humble home. Two bedrooms for 5 people. I love it. We are all so close to eachother. We share every moment together, and when someone needs a little privacy, we can find a quiet corner and get it. My DH and I love each other so deeply and fiercely. He is present in our lives. He spends time with his children. He works a legitimate job and works hard. We both have friends that we can go unwind with to keep us sane. I feel like I want for nothing. I am so thankful for my three beautiful children, and that they are spaced enough that they can help each other and entertain each other, but still have their own individual interests and activities. I am thankful that we have food on our table and clothes on our backs. I am thankful for Jesus Christ living in me, who I know will help me work through forgiveness. I am thankful that I can pray and let my feelings out and be understood and loved, and then encouraged to do the right thing, regardless of my own selfish feelings. I am thankful that we have the peace of God in our home, that drama doesn't crack us because we have Him. I am thankful that, over the years, God has worked on my attitude and my patience with my husband and children. I am thankful that I realize that I am a work in progress and still have a ways to go. I am thankful that whether I am happy or sad, angry or glad, full of joy or full of pain, I have God's love. And that is all I need.


Jason said...

Goes back to what we were talking about on Sunday at bible study doesn't it Mel? In the end we do try our best to be Christ-like, but we are still human. While we try not to let things like that bother us, it does. But, he loves us all the same, warts and all. It kind of lets me get a glimpse into what I would assume God feels about us sometimes!

I do understand your frustrations. Well, no not exactly i've always had Emma to take care of the babies. Babies are wet and icky. :-)

But, I can apply it to situations I do understand. In the end, when I have days like that I find venting once and then letting it go really helps.

Mellie_Blogs said...

That ventation (is that a word??? Hehe) really did help. Thanks for the reminder about how our own attitudes and actions are viewed by God. Thanks for putting it into perspective. : ) I really am working on letting it go! : )

Just another mother said...

What a rough couple of days! You certainly don't deserve that kind of treatment!!! I think you hit it on the nail, though. I obviously don't know what the situation is like for this person, but it sounds like she and her family are going through a really rough patch and it's hard for people to stay positive to dig themselves out of the hole (like tricia's example in WC). It's almost as if their negative behavior becomes contagious. We can pray that she and her kids can learn from your kindness.

Amy Olson said...

Mel, I am thankful for you! What a wonderful way of getting it out! Hang there!

Kristen Harrison said...

That's beautiful and I'll use it as inspiration for my frustration today. You are awesome...
