Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First Session Knitting...Over!

My first session of Knitting 101 is now over! My students did an awesome job on their felted purses. I love how they each did something different from the other. They all had design freedom and it was great to see how each student came up with a different purse.

Next week, we will begin Knitting 102, and we will be doing a cabled ribbed scarf. I hope that there will be enough students to do another Knitting 101 - it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to teach more people how to knit. The reward is so great when my students actually find that they LOVE to knit and can't wait to move on to the next skill.

OTN - the second Jaywalker. I have about an inch or two to go then decrease for the toes. I have only one set of Addis and some friends want to learn toe up socks on 2 circs, so I have to free the ones I am using. I will be doing some in Steinbach Wolle Aktiv Effekt color #10 - I am anxious to see how these turn out!

Hoping my next post is complete Jaywalkers. Oh yeah...Next week, I plan to get some Mary Jane Crocs to wear with my socks. Believe it or not, all the socks I have made went to other people, and these are actually the first ones I'll be keeping. The Step ones went to my mom for her birthday.

Allrightythen....have a wonderful day, Blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Melanie,
this is my second attempt to say:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!
I am so proud of you !!!!
You are truelly blessed, for not only having found your "gift", but
sharing and teaching it with others.
I know you have everything it takes, to replace Martha Stewart, even so of course I hope you wont "be" like here.............
You know what I mean.............
Just stay the way you are and I know one of these days I hope you still remember me. (When you're all rich and famous.) And please don't move to California.!!!!!!!
You are blessed.
Much love