Sunday, August 31, 2008

200 posts!

I just realized that my potato/avocado post was #200! Woo Hoo! Thanks for reading!

As you see, over time, I have been adding to my blog list...I love keeping up with my fave bloggers...please let me draw attention to Happy To be at Home's latest entry. Wise words, indeed!


smileymamaT said...

WOW! I had to catch up, what with the chicken toes and avacado potatoes and back to school haircuts, phew!!! Our school starts tomorrow morning, it's a bittersweet kinda thing, but I'll be happy o have an hour of quiet before going off to work... hey I love the cake in a mug recipe! Thanks!
p.s. Arret de faire des grimaces... hah hah! Quite the photo, made me laugh! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats to you! that's quite an accomplishment!
and you look great sticking your tongue out -- it's so you. (plus i was there when you did it. he-he!)
so continue de faire des grimaces!

Just another mother said...

You're fun! Picture captures your out-going personality. And, I'm really glad you reclaimed your blog.

Mokihana said...

Way to go! 200 posts! Love the blog!

Mellie_Blogs said...

Thanks, y'all! Merci Beaucoup! Gracias!