Thursday, January 15, 2009

And how were YOU created??

Another late evening, deep discussion between Danny Jr. and me happened last night. As we were doing our pre-sleep snuggle, Danny asked me, "What does growing mean?"

I answered, "God created us to grow. He made us to get nourishment and get bigger and bigger." I told him that when he was in my tummy, no one could see him, he was so tiny. Then he grew to be as big as a bean, a lime, a lemon, an orange, a grapefruit, and then a watermelon. Then one day, I felt a special feeling that made me go to the hospital and push him out of my tummy. Then I told him, "you drank milk from mommy and you grew bigger and bigger, then one day, you decided to eat food. Lots and lots of food, so much food I can't even get you to stop eating."

As quick as a wink, he replied, with a shrug, "That's how God created me, I'm an eater."

I guess he has it all figured out!

1 comment:

Misty said...

children have it so easy, don't they? simple faith, easy answers!! smart kiddo!