Friday, January 30, 2009

Update on Goals and Resolutions

Here is the list of resolutions and goals I made at the beginning of January, with my progress in red. I hope to re-visit this once a month (or maybe quarter) to track my progress.

Resolutions - in 2009, I resolve to:

~never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink, even if it means going past my bedtime. Accomplished. A good habit has been established. YES!
~stay on top of laundry - meaning putting away the clothes once washed and folded. Again! Yes, another good habit established. I have gone beyond what I expected and my hamper and washer are empty, one load is drying now. And they are being put away. YES!
~spend less time online. Eh, not so much. I am on the computer too much, still.
~go for at least one walk a week with my children We went for 2 walks as a family (me and the kids, anyway) this month. I put a spare pair of tennies into my car this week so that when we visit Grandpa on Sundays, we can go for walks. I have only had my church shoes up till now so no more excuses.
~put my sewing machine to good use, a project a month. I have discovered that I am sewing challenged. This is harder than I thought. I have a full pattern all cut up but am stuck. I have a good friend that can come and tutor me, though. Gotta plan on that.
~knit for charity, at least one project a month. I have one started and will likely be done next week. SO for February, the project will be a little smaller.
~to speak my mind in a loving and respectful manner (not that I am unloving or disrespectful when I speak, I just don't usually speak my mind when something bothers me, and I end up stewing over it.) YES! I accomplished that twice this month. Oh what a feeling!
~drink 8 glasses of water a day. I don't know where I am with that. I need to create some sort of record keeping with that. I think I do it some days and not on others.

Goals - in 2009, I plan to accomplish:
~lose 20 pounds. This is not my ultimate goal, but I want to be realistic. One month down, no pounds lost. I haven't been working for it though. I eat healthy, but I haven't been exercising. I must get on that!
~learn how to run. I got some running shoes Sunday. That's as close as I have gotten. Now that DJ has a bigger bike, we can go together, and he'll keep me at a brisk pace. I will start out walking then go to a jog and so forth. Gotta get my resistance up.
~find part time employment (a job which I can impact my community in a positive way) in September. It's not September yet, but I have a couple of leads.
~make and sell soap, at least $50 a week. I haven't made any soap lately, but I found another gig that'll make me a similar amount of $$ starting in February.
~set up a chore schedule for the children and enforce it. I haven't tackled that yet. Ugh.


Just another mother said...

That's some good progress! Keep it going!!!

bri said...

I like these goals. Your heart seems focused on your creativity and your family. :) Both good places for it to be.

smileymamaT said...

That is a very good list. Workable, doable, realistic and focused. It is inspiring to me! :)

Anni said...

missing you in the blogging sphere!