Happy New Year to all of you! May your year be overflowing with laughter and joy and love!
I read a few blogs today, all with the New Year's theme of resolutions and goals. I never really thought about setting goals instead of resolutions. After thinking about both, I have realized that they each have a purpose. I want to approach the new year with a new perspective, goals, resolutions, and all.
The "resolution" that I set out for last year, looking back, was actually a goal, one that I accomplished. In case you are curious, my goal was to read my bible from cover to cover, and I did! It was an enriching, life giving experience. I learned so much. Completing this has also empowered me to achieve my 2009 goals.
In previous years, I made lists of resolutions and never really followed through beyond the first couple of weeks. This is a story that I suspect happens all too often. Following will be my two lists, goals and resolutions. My hope is to revisit this post once a month with an update on how things are going.
Resolutions - in 2009, I resolve to:
~never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink, even if it means going past my bedtime.
~stay on top of laundry - meaning putting away the clothes once washed and folded.
~spend less time online.
~go for at least one walk a week with my children
~put my sewing machine to good use, a project a month.
~knit for charity, at least one project a month.
~to speak my mind in a loving and respectful manner (not that I am unloving or disrespectful when I speak, I just don't usually speak my mind when something bothers me, and I end up stewing over it.)
~drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Goals - in 2009, I plan to accomplish:
~lose 20 pounds. This is not my ultimate goal, but I want to be realistic.
~learn how to run.
~find part time employment (a job which I can impact my community in a positive way) in September.
~make and sell soap, at least $50 a week.
~set up a chore schedule for the children and enforce it.
Well, folks, there it is. I might add to (or even subtract from) the lists. No matter the outcome, I promise not to beat myself up if I fail or exalt myself if I succeed. I want this to serve as an outline for living a better life in 2009.
Love to you...
happy new year, friend. i like your goals vs resolutions. i pray you have an amazing year this year!! we HAVE to get together!! that's my goal!
You are a wonderful woman. I hope we spend more time together this upcoming year. We are alike in some great ways and different in some cool ones too.
Great list. Yours inspired mine--esp. the sewing. I'd love to sew more this year. Way back when I made all my girls clothes (such cute little sun dresses!! :-) ) but haven't really sewed much in years. My son's been wanting to learn to quilt and make a scrap quilt for his bed. Thank you and I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you! Amy
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